KATT, Kinesthetic Approach to Teacher Training, is a customized 100-hour program designed by psychologists and educationists who are experts in their respective field. It helps to practically integrate kinesthetic teaching and learning methods in lesson plans.
A detailed Assessment Mapping result for each Teacher will be handed over to the respective Principal / Management.
The Assessment Mapping result is devised on: KATT - LEADERSHIP INDEX MODEL.
This model is specially formulated for teachers, by a group of esteemed Psychologists, Movement Therapists and Corporate personnel.
KATT - Foundation Certificate will be handed over to each Teacher during "Teachers Graduation Ceremony."
Detailed information will be available on request.
Detailed information will be available on request.
For a Principal, KATT framework would make the school environment conducive to creating and supporting leaders. KATT will raise the bar of the team to a different level of understanding leadership and its true implementation.
For a teacher, KATT would give the individual an edge to be a new millennium educator or global teacher through practical input and techniques. It will assist in creating a student centric approach within the school ecosystem through innovative class transactions and management.
KATT will help teachers to advance their career, increase accountability and responsibility to upgrade and hone their skills.
KATT will give you an armour you need for both your personal and professional modern life - Emotional resilience through self-awareness!! It will enable the successful management of life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, solving everyday problems and adapting to the complex demands of growth and development.
In the short run, KATT will help you become self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses to become a new age leader.
KATT will help unlock the potential in you to becoming a true leader by identifying your leadership style and developing it in the complex changing world around you.
The eligibility for KATT is one's "willingness to change" and "intention to be an inspiration, a contributor & a nation builder".
For a Principal, KATT certification process will identify the various leadership styles of your teachers and at what level of leadership maturity they stand.
For a teacher, KATT certification will help identify leadership traits that one is strong or weak at and detailed analysis on improving them.